Social distancing against COVID-19

France announces second lockdown

Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has announced on Wednesday, October 28th, a second national lockdown during 4 weeks. Mr Macron said that under the new measures, starting on Friday, people would only be allowed to leave home for essential work or medical reasons. Non-essential businesses, such as restaurants and bars, will close, but schools and factories will remain open. Covid daily deaths in France are at the highest level since beginning October. On Tuesday, 33,000 new cases were confirmed. The French president said the country risked being "overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first". Meanwhile, Germany will impose an emergency lockdown that is less severe but includes the closure of restaurants, gyms and theatres.

Preventive measure against COVID-19

In Europe and worldwide, COVID-19 is still a threat and will be until next year for companies. We wish good luck to everyone out there, stay safe. In order to support companies worldwide, we have developed a safe distancing assistant to help employees respect social distancing while working. At a time where we should give the first priority to health worldwide, we must think about a solution that can ensure safety while working. That is why iWavenology created a simple device that generates an alarm whenever a person comes too close to another: iDistance. iDistance is a wearable product that helps companies stop the spread of Covid-19. Using UWB technology, it can process up to 50 users simultaneously within 1 second. Finally we provide a solution based on your requirements.

It is crucial to respect preventives measures in order to keep your business running. Our solution doesn’t require any infrastructure or any personal data to work. iDistance is a cost-efficient solution and easy to use for middle sized companies in need.

Don't hesitate to reach us to know more about our offer and demonstration kit. We need to work together during these hard times to combat this pandemic.

To know more about iDistance, contact one of our staff !